Give your eyes a break!

• BigNames displays your iPhone contacts extra-large and easy to read. Perfect for when you're on the move and need to make a call without squinting.
Make the Call
Dialing is as simple as browsing the names in your contact list. Touch a name to see a list of phone numbers. And then touch the number to dial.

Twist and Turn
BigNames adjusts the font size to take advantage of whichever way you're holding your iPhone.

Play Favorites
Quickly make anyone in your contact list a favorite, so they are easy to find at the top of the list.

Jump Around
A quick tap on the JumpBar takes you to the top of the list, the bottom or anywhere in between. To jump to a specific letter, hold your finger down and browse the easy-to-read index.

Feature Summary
- Uses the iPhone's contacts database
- Supports both landscape and portrait orientation (landscape orientation uses an even larger font)
- Uses the nicknames you've defined in your contacts (e.g. Dad, Sis)
- Hides contacts that don't have phone numbers
- Displays postal addresses
- Allows jumping to any position in the contact list, or to a specific letter
- English, German, French and Japanese language support
• In North America, a useful number to have in your contacts is Google 411. Simply say the name or company you want and they'll look up the address or even connect you. It's a toll-free number so if you pay for long-distance calls, it's also a great way to save some money. 1-800-466-4411 (GOOG-411)
Add GOOG-411 with the default Contacts application, "Reload Names" in BigNames, and it'll show up in your list.

Version 1.3.2 allows you to choose if you want to confirm dialing and then return to BigNames when you've finished your call. Awaiting approval.
Version 1.3.1 adds support for huge contact lists and loads faster.
Version 1.3 is available! If a contact has any street addresses, they are displayed on the details page.
Version 1.3 has been submitted and is awaiting approval.
Version 1.2 has been approved! Changes: Favorites, runs on iPod Touch, and added support for Japanese and French.
Version 1.2 has been submitted to Apple for approval.
BigNames version 1.1 is now available. Changes: Added the JumpBar which makes navigating both long and short contact lists easier.
BigNames is in the App Store!
BigNames has been submitted to the App Store. Waiting for approval...
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